God Is Able- Support Ministry

Did you know that the addiction crisis is deadlier than ever before? During the COVID-19 Pandemic, this tragedy has gotten worse. More than four (4) times as many people died from drug overdose (OD) than from homicide in the first month of 2021. Also, it’s not just overdoses taking lives: in earlier years, for example, in 2018, more than 175,000 deaths in the U.S. were related to alcohol and other drugs. That makes substance use the third largest cause of death in the nation. 


Oftentimes, the addiction can affect the entire family! Our GOD IS ABLE Support Ministry (GIA) provides a safe, confidential and nonjudgmental meeting for persons, families, and their loved ones that are challenged with the struggles of alcohol and substance abuse. 

Through prayer, witnessing, and educational information, we host a supportive, caring, and trusted meeting, that serves to encourage people toward a closer walk with God's Healing, Growth, and Recovery.


We meet every 1st & 3rd Saturday at the Berkeley Campus at 12noon. We invite you to attend our confidential meetings.


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