Covid 19 Procedures

These procedures are put in place for the safety of everyone.

  • Fill out pre-screening two days prior to arrival

  • Use the Administrative Door to enter the building

  • Please wear a mask while in the building

  • Sanitize your hands

  • Take your temperature

  • Record your name and temperature on the sign-in sheet

  • The restrooms in the rotunda will be open

  • Please try to keep a safe distance from one another


Stay Well and Stay Healthy!

This guidance is intended for screening of all persons entering Shalom Church (City of Peace) Campuses prior to the start of worships, meetings, and any other events. It is not intended for people confirmed or suspected COVID-19, including persons under investigation. Please answer all questions below honestly.

***If you have been out of town in the past 7 days, you must present proof of being "Negative".***

This screening is due 48hrs prior to arriving at rehearsal


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