Friday, October 6, 2017
7:00p Worship Lindbergh Campus
Rev. Raphaelle Darden,
Pleasant Grove Church The Church of Koinonia


Saturday, October 7, 2017
7:00a Registration  8:00a Conference
Hilton Frontenac
1335 S. Lindbergh Blvd.,Frontenac MO

Sunday, October 8, 2017 Lindbergh Campus
Rev. Claudine Murphy  St. Luke AME Church

10:00a  Dr. Keri Day
Department of Religion -Princeton University

Forgiveness: Overcoming disappointment, shame, brokenness

 In life we will experience disappointment, brokenness and sometimes abuse by loved ones. While not all women experience abuse or shame, some still struggle to find inner peace.  Our life is symbolic of having a fence around us.   Circumstances cause tears or breakage in our fence which requires mending.  Forgiveness is the greatest gift you can give yourself.  Forgiving doesn’t make you weak, it sets you free. This workshop will discuss, “Learning to find the treasure within and live from the inside out.”

 Extreme Women of God: Building a Legacy

What impact does your life and witness have on others?   We will all leave a legacy of some sort the question is what will it be.  Your legacy is something you create during your life solely to benefit future generations.  Mentoring can play a significant role in your legacy.  Mentors can speak wisdom into one’s life, and they can be powerful catalysts for spiritual, personal and professional growth.   This workshop will discuss, “How to Build Your Legacy.”


 Managing the Unexpected 

Life rarely turns out the way you’ve planned, even if you have the faith of Job.   An unexpected illness, a sudden job layoff, an unexpected relationship breakup, becoming a care giver, etc.  What is changing in your world right now?  It’s always important to be mindful of your physical and emotional needs.  But times of transition and change (even positive change!) can be overwhelming.  During change, another question is how to maintain balance in your life.  This workshop will, “Provide some tips on how you can center yourself during those times when the world around you seem to be whizzing by at lightning speed.”


Discovering Your Purpose

God has given each of us a Spiritual Gift to use for His glory. Do you know your gift?  Do you know what God wants for you in life?  Do you know what you want out of life?  Are you walking the walk and talking the talk about meeting expectations of life?  Are you happy and enjoying the Christian walk?  This workshop will discuss, “Writing the vision, following your passion in life to discover your purpose.”



The Mosaic: The beauty and power in differences

Celebrating our differences because there is power in difference!   Jealously and competition is null-and-void when we celebrate us being uniquely and wonderfully made.  Can you genuinely celebrate the successes and excellence of others without feeling less-than?  Don’t allow jealousy and a judgmental spirit to paralyze you from experiencing what God has uniquely in store for you.  You are a powerful, bold, and fierce member of His Body…and so is your Sister! This workshop will discuss, “Specific suggestions for experiencing victory over jealousy and moving to joy.”