Things You Need to Know for Re-entry

When will Shalom re-open for in-person worship?

In-Person worship will begin on June 27, 2021. 

What time are the services?

There will be two services held every Sunday.  The first service will begin at 8:00 a.m. but because the service is live-streamed everyone must be seated at 7:50 a.m.  The second service will be at 10:00 a.m.

Is registration required to attend? Who needs to register? Adults/children How do I register?

For everyone attending the services, registration will be necessary.  This will include both children and adults.  There will be a checklist that must be completed for every person that will be in attendance.

When will registration begin for the first service?

The portal to register for worship will open on Monday morning of each week.

How many people will be able to attend the service?

Beginning with June 27th members will be able to pre-register for 8:00a or 10:00a service.  As more people are vaccinated and Covid numbers improve and St. Louis County relax more restrictions, this number will be increased.

How far in advance can I register to attend?

Beginning Monday morning for the upcoming Sunday worship.

What is the cut-off for pre-registration?

Registration will close when the maximum number that can attend a worship service is reached.

Will there be temperature checks/more questions at the door?

Absolutely, every person entering the building will be asked a series of questions and temperatures will be taken.  If a person has a temperature, they may be asked to attend virtually that Sunday for their protection as well as the others in attendance.

Can children attend without an adult?

Children that are 16 or older can attend without parents.  Registration will also be necessary.

Where should I park?

Park will be available on the front and backlot.  However, entering the church will be done using the Rotunda entrance in the front of the building.  Exiting will be through the two-side entry on the front of the building.


Will walk-in registration be available?

There will be no onsite registration available.

Do I need to bring my check-in confirmation to enter?

For all members who have been confirmed, names will be on a rooster to confirm their registration.

Is child/care or children’s church available?

At this time Next Generation classes will not be available due to available space.  How to engage our Next Generation is being reviewed weekly.

Will the baby room still be available for mothers who need to step our services to settle their children?

Yes, the quiet room is still available.

Will there be space available wheelchair/accessible?

Yes, there will be spacing available for accessibility.

Will there still be an interpreter for the hearing impaired?

Yes, there will be an interpreter available for the second service.

Do I need a mask? Do my children need a mask?

All persons in attendance must always keep a mask on while in the building.

How is social distancing practiced?

For every person or family in attendance, there must be two seats that separate them. i.e., A family of 5 can seat together and the next family can sit 2 seats over.  

How/how often is the building sanitized?

The building is sanitized on Saturday for the preparation of the first service on Sunday.  The building is sanitized again before the second service before anyone is allowed in the Sanctuary.

What other enhanced safety precautions are in place?

All areas of the church including the restrooms are sanitized.  Hand sanitizer dispensers have been placed throughout the building.  Tithes and Offerings will be collected at the doors as members exit to ensure ushers are not passing baskets.  Tithes and Offering can also continue to be collected online.  On the fourth Sunday, communion will be given to members as they enter.

What if I am an at-risk (high/risk) person?

The recommendation would be to check with your physician if you should attend.  Again, we will continue to stream virtual services.

When will the weekly meeting/classes resume in the building?

Weekly meetings/classes will not resume immediately.  This will be reviewed following the guidance of St. Louis County and the vaccine rate increases.

Will Wisdom Wednesday resume in person?

Wisdom Wednesday classes will continue virtually at this time.

Can I purchase a recorded service?

There will be recordings available for purchase online. 

Covid 19 Procedures

These procedures are put in place for the safety of everyone.

  • Fill out pre-screening two days prior to arrival

  • You can enter through the Rotunda in front of the church

  • Please wear a mask while in the building

  • Sanitize your hands

  • Take your temperature

  • Record your name and temperature on the sign-in sheet

  • The restrooms in the rotunda will be open

  • Please try to keep a safe distance from one another


Stay Well and Stay Healthy!

For Any Questions or Concerns please email us at [email protected]